How one startup managed to bring 'Fortnite' and 'League of Legends' esports to 13,000 schools in exclusive deals

  • PlayVS is a $96 million software startup that organizes high school and collegiate gaming competitions across the country and gives schools the tools they need to create their own esports programs.
  • Founder and CEO Delane Parnell convinced the creators of popular games like "Fortnite" and "League of Legends" to allow PlayVS to organize high school and collegiate competitions.
  • PlayVS now supports more than 13,000 schools and has worked with the National Federation of High Schools to establish varsity esports programs in 18 states.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
  • With multimillion dollar tournaments and live broadcasts on ESPN, professional gaming has entered the mainstream, but the growing esports industry still lacks the sort of professional pipeline and player development that has become standard for traditional sports.

    Unlike traditional sports, companies working in esports need approval from video game publishers to profit off their games with events and broadcasts.

    The publishers behind popular games like "Fortnite" and "League of Legends" run their own multi-million-dollar competitions for pro gamers and are typically defensive of their brands, but they've agreed to exclusive partnerships allowing a young startup named PlayVS to offer high school and collegiate esports programs

    "In traditional sports we can go to Dick's Sporting Goods, buy a football or basketball and create our own league and no one's going to say anything. People assume that you can do that same thing in esports, and legally — you can't," PlayVS founder and CEO Delane Parnell said.

    PlayVS has been a driving force for bridging that divide between esports and traditional sports. On Wednesday, it announced a multi-year agreement with "League of Legends" creator Riot Games that makes PlayVS the exclusive provider of high school "League of Legends" competitions in the United States. A month earlier PlayVS also announced a partnership with "Fortnite" creator Epic Games that establishes a national championship series at the college level.

    PlayVS crowns state and national champions at the end of its Fall and Spring seasons. PlayVS

    PlayVS provides the tools for high schools and colleges to create their own esports programs. Founded in 2018, it has already raised $96 million in funding with a list of high profile investors that includes the NFL's San Francisco 49ers and rapper Sean "Diddy" Combs.

    It now supports more than 13,000 schools and organizes online competitions across the country. The company has also partnered with the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) to establish varsity esports programs in 18 different states. Like other school sports, PlayVS separates the school year into Fall and Spring seasons. Schools compete against each other for eight weeks during the season leading up to a championship event.

    "It was tough early on trying to convince the game publishers to work with us — we've only been around for two years," Parnell said. "I think they saw the value in our effective distribution to an audience."

    PlayVS's new agreement with Riot builds on a prior deal between the two companies. PlayVS successfully piloted a seasonal program for "League of Legends" competitions last year. More than 80% of PlayVS's participating schools had at least one "League of Legends" team.

    "Extending our partnership with PlayVS advances our mission to establish League of Legends as a generational sport," Matt Birris, Riot Games' Scholastic Program Lead said in a statement announcing the deal.

    For video game publishers, funding high school and collegiate esports programs can encourage younger players to play older games and treat them like an ongoing sport. Riot Games recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of "League of Legends." Programs like PlayVS could help produce another generation of "LoL" players. Additionally, introducing young players and their parents to competitions will further legitimize "League of Legends" as one of America's most watched sports.

    "League of Legends" is one of the most popular games in the PlayVS program, with 80% of participating schools fielding at least one team. PlayVS

    "Frankly, you're not going to be able to provide an optimal experience if you're not working with the company who owns the technology and the IP," Parnell said.

    Partnering with Riot and other publishers gives PlayVS extra perks to pass on to players. For example, unlocking every playable character in "League of Legends" would cost more than $600 for a normal player, but PlayVS gives registered student players complete access to the full roster. PlayVS also has access to in-game data that gives players advanced stat tracking features.

    "Player experience is at the forefront of everything we do," Parnell said. "This means not only bringing students access to the game titles that they love, but fully integrating with publishers to further improve the overall high school esports experience."

    Mark Koski, the CEO of the National Federation of High Schools, said that PlayVS's education-first philosophy aligned with the organization's goals for high school sports, and could help prepare students for careers in the gaming and esports industry.

    "As schools look to provide participation opportunities for high school students, esports is a great option on two fronts," Koski said. "First, esports may involve students who haven't been involved in a sport or activity in the past. Second, the costs to implement esports are minimal compared to starting a traditional sport, which can be extensive with equipment and facilities."

    To participate in PlayVS, players must pay a $64 fee each season, giving them access to games and the PlayVS network of competitions. The registration deadline to compete in PlayVS's Spring championships is February 14, but schools can join the program on a rolling basis.

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